November 7, 2009
I stood helm and lookout watch this morning. The waves were rolling and crashing, reminding me of the time that the disciples were in a terrible storm. They nearly lost all hope and then cried out to Jesus who was sleeping through it. He calmed the storm by a word from His mouth. I enjoyed watching the swirling waves today, knowing that my Savior made and sustains them as He does and will continue to sustain me.
Operating the helm was pretty cool…not many nineteen year olds get to drive a 378’ boat!
One thought struck me as I was standing lookout. The key to being a good lookout and protecting the safety of the boat is diligence. You have to pay attention and watch the horizon even when you’re tired or bored. All that to say, what would my life look like if I took the same amount of diligence and care in killing sin and watching out for roots of sin in my life as I do on lookout watch? I need to be diligent and vigilant in killing my sin and destroying it. Christ is my strength, He is the One I want to honor and please, and by His help I’ll fight the sin in my life and destroy it.
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